Zero Waste Tips for Companies/Producers/Brand Owners

Recycle Reduce Reuse Eco Friendly Natural Saving Go Green Concepts

Companies need to change the way they design, manufacture, sell, service, and handle the end of life of their products. They need to incorporate circular economy design principles to make their products more sustainable and reduce the impact on the environment. It would be good for the environment, good for consumers, good PR, and good for the bottom line in the long run.

These are some basic Zero Waste Tips for Companies/Producers/Brand Owners to adopt :

  1. Move from product-based model to service-based model, wherever feasible for non-Fast Moving Consumer Goods(FMCG).
  2. Avoid harmful elements and chemicals in products. Replace them with eco-friendly alternatives.
  3. Take ownership for extending the life of products by providing service to consumers, through proper and timely maintenance.
  4. Reduce multiple layers of wasteful packaging. 
  5. Avoid disposable fillers and packaging items like foam, polystyrene, thermocol, single-use plastic.
  6. Use reusable packaging instead of disposable packaging which can be used repeatedly for transportation.
  7. Design products for easy disassembly and separation of organic and inorganic materials.
  8. Take responsibility for the recycling of the materials used in the products after their active life under Extended Producer Responsibility(EPR).
  9. Disassemble and separate the organic and inorganic materials, into separate streams.
  10. Organic materials can be recycled using processes like composting, bio-reactors, etc.
  11. Non-organic materials can be extracted and recycled into respective materials in their respective streams.

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