Stree Wellness: Ayurveda, Ahimsa and empowerment as a route to sustainability

Earth care

Stree Wellness is a holistic brand founded by Renu Gulati, UK Lawyer and Ayurvedic practitioner with a vision to ‘heal the earth’ and ‘empower women’. They offer a range of Ayurveda services that promote health and wellness. Stree Wellness aspires to empower women while curating ethical and sustainable products made largely out of materials that are kind to the earth. 

Ahimsa as a core principle of Ayurveda and Sustainability

“I have always been fascinated by Ayurveda”, shares Renu Gulati, proprietor of Stree Wellness, “as it is a holistic system that resonates with the rhythm of the earth”. She was disturbed by the rise of consumerism and use-and-throw culture that was pervading. “This attitude is violent, not just for the earth, but also for the mind and body,” says Renu. 

She dreamed of creating a global brand that would be kind to the earth and the self. “Ahimsa (non-violence) is at the core of most ancient cultures in the world, including Ayurveda”, she adds, “and we try to incorporate these principles as much as we can at Stree Wellness”. 

“I found my calling”.

Renu, who grew up in the UK and practised law there, has been passionate about holistic healing from an early age. She shared her experience of healing from a bout of Amoebic dysentery with carrot soup at the age of 19. With her growing love for Ayurveda and Indian culture, she pursued higher studies and training in Ayurveda, Sanskrit and holistic healing practices such as Yoga, Rekhi and acupuncture. “I felt this was my calling, in a way”, shares Renu, reflectively, as she went on to start Stree Wellness, a sustainable, conscious brand.

Renu Gulati, Proprietor, Stree Wellness
Renu Gulati, Proprietor, Stree Wellness

Holistic Healing: Ayurveda and Wellness services

The brand offers various services including Ayurveda consultations and courses, Ayurvedic cooking classes and wellness retreats. While Renu works primarily in the areas of nutrition and lifestyle, she collaborates with other Ayurvedic doctors to provide optimum care to patients. “I recall a case where a patient said we saved her life”, shares Renu. “It is really satisfying to know that we are making an impact”.

Renu teaching Ayurveda cooking at the eco friendly Ayurveda Village, Vaidyagrama, in Tamil Nadu
Renu teaching Ayurveda cooking at the eco friendly Ayurveda Village, Vaidyagrama, in Tamil Nadu

Sustainably sourced products that care for the earth

At Stree Wellness, Products are sourced from locals at Rishikesh and several environmentally-conscious organisations, NGOs, cottage industries and women empowerment collectives across India. “Over the years, I have built a network of people who are ethical and trustworthy”, says Renu. “I carefully curate those products that I would be willing to use myself.” 

Most products are made from natural and earth-friendly materials such as cotton, jute, coconut shell, and the like. The packaging is made by local women in their own homes using unbleached cotton.

Renu had earlier worked to build Tattva, a cottage industry for Ayurvedic incense. Both Tattva and Stree Ayurveda blend her passions of Ayurveda and women empowerment.

People Care, Ethics and Empowerment

Renu Gulati has extensive experience as a lawyer in the space of human rights and has an understanding of ethics and fair-trade practices. “To me, sustainability is not just about materials; it is also about the people”, shares Renu. “Thus we take ethical dimensions seriously.” 

Women making eco-friendly products at Stree Wellness
Women making eco-friendly products at Stree Wellness

Renu does not just believe in helping people attain a livelihood. She also aspires to help them empower themselves in the true sense. 

“With empowerment, comes consciousness. The consciousness of one’s impact on the earth. A shift in mindset, to be more ethical and sustainable.”

Women empowerment at Stree Wellness
Women empowerment at Stree Wellness

This – real empowerment – is what Renu hopes to achieve, though she admits there is a long way to go. “We all need to introspect into the lives we are leading”, says Renu, “and work towards gradually and gracefully making ahimsa a part of our life”.

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